Monday, June 2, 2008

It was a productive day. Up for an early morning of conference calls once the kids were on the bus.. not even time for coffee. You know the day that takes off and you just can't keep your feet one in front of the other. I want to vaccum and scrub the seats and carpet in the van before our trip Friday. I grab a twenty and head to the car wash... the change machine will not accept the bill so I figure I can move toward the school and go by the bank to get a fresh bill and to the car wash. Seems the littlest thing is frustrating me... I get to the next car wash and it sucked the twenty right in and bang... it is tokens only. The humidy is soaking and I have a meeting at the school in an hour.

I arrive at the school soaking in sweat although didn't really care.... just moving through my day. The makeup I grabbed as I was racing out the door seems pointless. SO I ring for the meeting room, have some social catch up with the front office staff and move into the meeting room. I think I am on vacation mentally.

Kaitlyn's team has be WONDERFUL we tweaked the IEP so the next school has a clear picture of who she is and what works. I made sure inclusion was strong in Science, social studies and her specials. I am emailing to get her into band. I believe we are set the best we can to move her into MIDDLE SCHOOL...

Jordan's team enters the room, additional people come in. I am impressed at their willingness to hear me out on WHY it means the world to me for my kids to be included with peers. As I hear all the explanation I wonder where in the world our community is with education. We are again placing kids in reading levels as their class placement so all the kids who are lower readers are all together. I read so many stats that say this is not the best practice. How does SW Florida I heard today Mrs. Pringle you are asking for systematic change... the county does it and requests it, Florida DOES IT THIS WAY... lets look at the records... "A" schools under law suits for no AYP progress... Not sure what an "A " means any more, ok I am venting.

Why is it that everything I am asking for we did for years with Kailtyn and now it is said...that won't work... HELLLLOOOOO it just did. Kailtyn isn't on 5th grade work but each year she improved in reading.. she knows how to keep a planner, she knows her planner is IMPORTANT, she has friends all over town. Everyone knows Katie.

SO home with Jordan in toe as he threw up at the end of the school day so I grab and run to meet the bus at my house...............oooops I get home and am greeted by my son Steven 11 with Down syndrome, "Hi Mom" yikes! He did a good job, sat on the couch and waited for me to get home.

Snack and dinner going, Vickie comes for speech tonight for the four kids and we need to work on their new work books. We have some great new materials to have at home.

I check emails and am floored.... Lucas is struggling emotionally so he is in crisis going for an evaluation and things are turning for the worst. Pray pray and pray some more this little boy needs the gates of life opened for him to see the sunshine of life.

Laundry, dishes, bathes, bedtime routine, meds and bed...clothes out for morning and BLOGGING. The temp repair to the AC unit is holding up. We have plans for the full repair on Saturday while we are gone. 92 degrees inside here on Sunday was a bit more than we care for.

Is Friday here yet.....