Thursday, August 27, 2009

The first week of school is near it's end.....

Keirsten is loving her social life--- Oh I mean High school days. I have a meeting on Monday to do a new 504 plan for her accommodations for having ADHD in High school. I believe I will learn that Home work is not being completed... She sleeps when she gets home, gets up and eats and sleeps ore to be up at 4 am to primp herself for the 6 am bus. I think as the Mother asking for 2 hours of homework should not be asking too much since there is 2 hours of hair an make up fit into her daily routine.. Lord knows how much on line, PSP time with DVD/TV in her room is on as well.... HIGH SCHOOL!!! TEENS!!! Gotta luv m! She is happy.

Kaitlyn is Big Sis on campus at the middle school. She is right back into her routine with a block schedule this year. She has a set of classes every other day with different classes opposite days..yes I am already confused. She is keeping up and the moment she felt she was not she sought out a teacher in the court yard and got directions by showing her schedule to that adult!! GO KATIE!!!!! I am so very proud of her desire to learn, be a part of our community and help out at home.

Steven is in a new school, little brother on campus and the first year in middle school, first year changing classes with changing teachers outside going to gen ed from a supported classroom. All different and LOTS MORE INDEPENDENCE.. Well well well. Monday went well, Tuesday went well, Wed........went not so well. Steven got himself into a pickle and dug into deeper pickle juice one might say... He decided that when he went to the restroom and the assistant to help him transition announced she could not come into retrieve him after ample amount of time he began the STEVE GIGGLE...this is known by all that know him...He will take control of the situation. He wasn't coming out...not until she went for help (a man) He then quickly exited without her knowledge to an open wide free to go where he wished HUGE CAMPUS... He chose a room where the door was not locked and no lights on to "hide" Once the staff got back to the restroom and he was no longer there. The search begins.... it takes a lot of people, effort and the police are notified because the staff discover an open gate in the very back. The search moves out into the neighboring houses, public library etc... while Steven is oblivious to what he is creating but sitting coloring to his hearts content... the bell rings and a class enters.. The teacher asks Steven his name.. ZACK HOBBS!! he says. She asks him to write it on an index card so she can see where he belongs... ZACK HOBBS???????? The search deepens. His sister is oblivious to what is going on....His ESE director is out of her ind with worry.....the ESE staffing specialist who knows Steven was not on campus at the time. Once classes shifted and the end of the day to catch buses the staff are helping Kaitlyn for the news and LOW AND BEHOLD....their is Steven AKA Zack Hobbs looking for Kaitlyn to get to the bus..and the para is with Kaitlyn.... Kaitlyn tells of all the police and scolds Steven to say: NO HIDE AND SEEK AT SCHOOL STEVEN, you are in big big trouble. I am called as they are riding home and given the afternoons events. The information I got via a phone call was about the same as what has Been stated since. II am amazed that surveillance tapes were gone through fro the neighboring public library and so much involvement and I was called is bitter Sweet...I would have wanted to leave and I would have misses the younger kid' bus which would have been a bad thing and sick with worry. I got to laugh at the #1 intelligence it took to pull it off...and just knowing the past with Steven soooo typical...Once he knew he had control...He can never have control in situations where he can "get loose" or "get hurt" so consequences are he uses the bathroom in the clinic until he can be trusted, and knows his routine enough to back off the para some and I made him write his REAL NAME 20 times.

Jordan has been having star days every day this week. He is in 2nd grade, gen ed with ESE supports. He loves his school, wore a tie today. One of the principles wears ties every day and he wants to grow up and be just like Dr. Best! Jordan loves to read, be read to and especially if we have a movie that matches the book. Many Disney books we have the DVD also so we read the book and he watches the movie after and flips the book to match the story line in the book. He went to sleep on his own, in his own room and on his own bed last night..first time in YEARS!!!! He didn't make it all th way through the night. We had a bad storm which was loud and the neighbors on that side of the house have dogs which were loud last night as well. We will keep at it.

Tressa is in love with all the attention in school. I have some work to do this year as her new assistant has health issues to walk up and down stairs where Tressa's classes are on the 2nd floor and her IEP was set for her to use the stairs as exercise for her health.. Tressa claims she is using the elevator A LOT with her assistant and this is not something I want started in 2nd grad. Elevators are for wheel chairs is what I have always told her and now I expand it to people who can not walk stairs SHE CAN!!!!! AND NEEDS TO. She loves her new teacher, has great things to talk about every day. No accidents of wet pants... no melt downs... and she gets to see her favorite helper Mrs. Lacata who is now helping pre-K children.

Lucas is happy to have his routine back, he goes to school smiling and comes home ready to eat. He is tired and sleeps through the night!!!! So every thing is moving along well as for school and the kids. There has been no bus issues, no real issues other than some kinks to have the two new assistants learn the kids and their needs so we can all b on the same page. I can give a couple weeks for that. Nothing I do not need myself.

Therapy in the home is kicking back in...Vickie will start back with speech in the home and we are adjusting OT so it works for all. I will post pictures of their work. I have A few getting into after school classes and want to have scouts for the kids. It is off to a great start for a wonderful year.