Sunday, August 30, 2009


Today has seemed like a full week long.............

Keirsten and I both said...It's only noon... which seems days ago.

The kids are in rare form...

All Kaitlyn talked about was going to High School and Miss Michael says she can play basketball on the High School team...fixated on that thought.

Jordan...LAND HOE..... Someone throw him a rope.. He has been the biggest challenge. His O.T. had to physically hold him in place; work hand over hand as he screamed "no" to everything which was exhausting but he needed to know he was not in control...once his turn was over he did most of the therapy tasks he had just refused to do-- on his own at the other end of the table... Gheeesh.. at least the screaming crying "NO TEAR" is over. (headache)

Lucas has cried pretty much all day, just miserable wanting to sleep but if I let him he will be up all night.... so we are dealing with winy cries....

Now, this tops them all..................... Tressa is DRAMA crying because she has tried to pull off some new sprouts of hair she decided she doesn't want to have located on her body...She is crying.... "I do not want to have Va J J hair" It is all out hysterical cry...

Kiersten is slamming doors because I will not let her wear a little girl size 6 shirt to school tomorrow because IT DOESN'T FIT who cares if it is a HOLSTER ...IT DOES NOT FIT...

I think it is bedtime, they need some quality time; ALONE! If that doesn't work I might need someone to throw me a rope....LOL