Monday, August 24, 2009

I am not even sure how to catch up from a long summer of very little blogging but we made it and that is 100% top of our highs of the summer of 2009. When they called about the adoption of Emma we knew that it would be a Summer of sacrifices, we just had no idea the depth of what it really meant. Our opening our home to another family for three months was also very taxing for us so we have weathered more than most..proud to be on the other side of our generosity and thinking of ourselves for awhile... With summer behind us we look forward to the school year and all the successes of a new High School student (Keirsten in 9th grade)in our home again, two middle schoolers (Kaitlyn 7th and Steven 6th) and three elementary school kids (Lucas Pre-K2, Jordan and Tressa 2nd grade) Baby Emma at home. Our in home supports are stable and looking forward to the new CDC plus addition if we are chosen...HOPE HOPE HOPE. This would mean a world of supports opening up to our family.

The kids seem very calm, ready to talk about the holiday's which I am sure is part from doing without all summer. I am also looking forward to some festive times with the kids. Costume making for Halloween is all the talk right now other than lists to Santa which started a couple weeks Keirsten wants to be Juno with Chris being Bleaker, Steven wants to be something scary, Jordan a Pirate again, Tressa flips from one thing to the next so not sure what her desire is this year yet. Kaitlyn is always last to decide.

I hope all my friends and family are healthy and happy, the most important aspects of life.