Sunday, August 9, 2009

Last two weeks of summer break

This has been a very busy -- trying summer with our new addition and the wedding. We knew going into it and feel blessed for all the family time.

I must admit I am getting a bit gitty to prepare for my 30 year reunion. I am in contact with a few who are for sure going and many thinking about it. I have not seen many for the entire 30 years...most actually. Some close friends growing up have gone into the field of working with disabilities and that will be interesting to compare. I am just ready to do a mind sweep of the great High School memories and even more elementary years. I think the over all is coming from the town every child should be raised in...just my opinion... with a few adjustments ..LOL

I have not posted like I had hoped over the summer.. I have memories and lots to type once we get back to school.

We are back in bowling..have pics to share; Kaitlyn and Steven did "fab"...Jordan was not into it yet again this year. I think I will go alone and see if I can build his steam as he didn't get pins every time and that made him mad...then on the floor, then just being an *** to be honest...You know when another parent says..He sure is strong willed...they are being polite to tell you your kids is being an ***. LOL

Need to run, keeping on top which was my main mission this summer... stay ahead of the