Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Keirsten is happy that summer is over and her social life we call school will be back in session soon. She is entering her first year of High School with no desires to learn.. Her total focus is socializing and being in the middle of the most drama she is able to locate or create…a very frustrating mix with ADHD and possible Bipolar onset. The days she takes her medication it is a DEFINATE plus although she resists it completely. Time spent now on craigslist to find a car to buy, she turns 16 in December. I explained that while doing her chores if she can not see all the items left behind after sweeping and mopping (Books, crayons, a plate with fork on it, a shirt) I feel that driving is out of the question…that her ability to attend to task and “see” things right in front of her face need to be seen in the home before I place her behind a huge piece of machinery which is dangerous and in the public… HER EYES ARE ROLLING….. She then moves on to planning to move out to her own home with a pool at 17 with her best friend—equally (not)able to be self sufficient… Well the good thing is, most plans change within the week, this friendship is on again off again.. I also have a new in home provider which is pulling in some time with Keirsten which is a HUGE BONUS.

Kaitlyn…she is today’s visual. I wake up, get the kids breakfast and head to the kitchen to make coffee. Most of the kids have their ipods on making ever so soothing tones about our house this morning… not one can carry a tune! Kaitlyn has a strong desire to belt out her vocals and knows it is not aloud at the table while eating… She has taken to the back yard…It is the funniest… In her PJ’s she exits the back door, a second look to see if anyone followed..NO, she has the back patio off the lanai all to herself..She places herself in a stance as if she just planted for a stage performance. Her back to me as I wath out the kitchen window… She has one eye on the back door and THERE SHE GOES!!! As if a curtain opened and she is in front of thousands.. Her vocals blasting the leg rolling and onto the hip gyrating and she now has arm and hands flying from one end of the patio to the other the HIP HOP of teen age idles. She is on a roll..she takes every few seconds to look at the back door when she positions herself to have a long look to see if anyone is coming. She gets into a pose. OMG…. Her hips are rolling and her moves are not anything Mom approves of and she knows it…one eye is on the back door….LOL ..good gravy she is almost 15 and as normal as normal gets as I can see….
Kaitlyn is going to be at her same middle school entering the 7th grade. Her big change is that Steven will be riding th us and attending the same school as her. I have little worries about Kaitlyn’s education as she thrives on learning, attends for hours and in most situations the perfect student.

Steven is very excited to be going to middle school; he has shared his excitement about being at Kaitlyn’s school to us. His summer has been laid back, lots of swimming in the pool which he is getting very good at the free stroke. He has his ipod in the early morning hours belting out sounds and rocking to the tunes in his room. Steven is trimmed down this past year and is making progress. Very handsome…middle school, look out!

Jordan has been struggling the past couple of weeks more than normal. He needs/requires structure more than summer offers.. He has put on massive weight this past year, has gotten more “babyfied” if such a word at times and very clingy to me.. I am very excited for school to start for Jordan he needs the two different settings to balance him in a day. His earning is excelling. He is bringing me books all the time to read, has initiated many educational activities which he had never done before. His OT time went well this past visit. I know most of hi is “me.” I am focusing on that this fall. He needs more house hold responsibility, more accountability.

Tressa, well well well I am not sure what but the summer brought on this emotional child and some puberty coming on so might be that..She cries at the drop of a dime. Her vocabulary has grown and articulation seems improving although with front teeth missing some sounds not so well. Tressa makes friends easy has had a wonderful summer, is looking forward to getting back to school. She is learning and for the most part anything but Math she is eager and willing… Her O.T. has her doing some Math by working on building some items with its/bolts/rods/etc.. I will post photos. They have to look at their directions, follow their map and size/shape before screwing the item together so it mechanically works.

Lucas has grown so much, his walking so much better and his bones are holding meat..lol he is filling out. He isn’t talking much..if he really wants something and not getting it he will say loud “MORE” we set up situations so he can use words and we all get excited and get what he has requested so he sees it is a faster way to get what we want than all the other behaviors…He signs some things as well which we like but want him to discover hr voice and the purpose of it. At the store the other day he watched Carmelo loose control at the check out over the items places strategically for meltdowns… Lucas had NEVER EVER paid any attention to the items and would not choose them as hestill wants soft foods…Carmelo looses it in full out melt down…Lucas watches for about a minute and chimes in mimicking Carmelo’s bad behaviors…. We could not be more pleased.. Not to say it made the moment pleasant and Mandie very frustrated but WAY TO GO LUCAS… It hasn’t happened again because there was no pay off for Lucas.. he doesn’t eat candy/cookies/etc He was just following the leader…. He is doing many normal things and seems very pleased with himself when accomplishing something..Like tearing out a page in a book which got a lot of attention he seemed very self satisfied he got so many siblings rattled…That smirky smile tells it all.

Emma is making steady progress many more smiles, chatter, strength and actions…Yeah Emma. Her re-check with EKG (pictures of her heart) s tomorrow so we will know exactly how successful recovery is. They are checking on fluids around her heart.