Friday, September 4, 2009

Facing tough love

I had the funniest experience this morning.... I heard a rat or something in the Attic the other day so while checking I had palm trees laying on my roof. I cut back the trees so that no palm franz were touching the roof and took rat bait to the Attic. Seemed logical.

This morning as all the kids have departed to school, Kaitlyn and Steven sitting on the driveway waiting for their bus because I have no idea when it is due to arrive these days...Emma back to sleep; it is dead silent in my house....I am having coffee reading emails when I hear this noise... I listen and it seems to be in my house???? My first thought is OMG I need to be sure Emma is safe..A RAT... so I proceed to get Emma, locate a baseball bat and have my cell phone in my hand, I LOOKED RIDICULES!!!!!! We are slowly searching for a rat in the house to try and scare it out a door.... All this DRAMA....... I must say I am not as brave as I once thought I might be..... The noise is coming from the TV we slowly walk closer it is not making noise...A NOISE.... there it is..not a rat after all.... I forgot about the darn box turtle Mandie got the kids a couple of weeks ago...he is rearranging his house and neighborhood...LOL I took Emma back to bed, sitting here I have to laugh!
Kaitlyn and Steven are still sitting on the driveway, once Emma wakes up we will go get some more rat bait just in case...I would not want to really be face to face with a rat.

No pictures on here for a few days.... I hate to admit my adult kids are not making good life choices and consequences are severe. My boys have struggled with drug addictions for years. Kory has gotten on the other side of his but as the other day proved Josh is far from being on the other side of his. REWIND--- three weeks ago Josh got a settlement from a car accident. The money went VERY FAST with the purchase of an SUV 4X4 (used) which he has since sold and says he lost only $100.00 although the day before he moved north he was penniless and hungry..How can that be when he had thousands three weeks ago... He did show up at my house obviously stoned a couple days ago, he acted strange and was going through the house to collect his things to move... Well he took my camera which is now in a pawn shop and I need to locate which one and buy my camera back.... DRUGS ARE BAD! Tough love is going to happen with this boy! Enough is enough! I have had enough! Not even angry, just have had enough. Won't be so easy to walk through my house again ..... not until proven change...