Thursday, September 3, 2009

I have a meeting across town at 9 am and the bus has not made it to the house....8:30am...Oh NO, why do they listen to me??????
I call the school and tell them I will be bringing in the two kids, we can not wait any longer. I pick up Connie and Jessica and off we go. Jessica is going back to school... YIPEE. I connect with the ESE head teacher at the middle school and I learn that my sweet Kaitlyn has been struggling with BREAKFAST at school. She insists she needs to eat breakfast but the bus only allows her about 10 minutes to grab/eat/get to class. The bell rings and she acts like she is having Sunday Brunch at the mall.... The assistant suggests she hustle up the bell has rung and she is late for 1st period...OFF SHE GOES.... No, she does not stop eating and head for class...she in no uncertain terms states she is not happy, she is eating her cereal and she "hates" her and will be "telling mom" As I learn all of this Kaitlyn is sliding down into her seat in the van.... OUCH! I get off the phone and inform Kaitlyn, no more breakfast at school...they have moved the bus pick up and she has ample time to eat at home so no eating breakfast at school... Lips squeezed together, eyes tight she simply says OK MOM. Steven and Kaitlyn are dropped at school which is next door to the high school we are Having the IEP at.

IEP: Well, this was not your classic, nor one you would want to use as a model or even really tell much about.. Jessica has been out of public school 7 years, has not been tested for any clear direction for us to use in about the same, no speech & language reports or OT... we signed for lots of testing to take place over the next 6 months and then hold another IEP. The focus is TRANSITION the mind set is not as I would see it but one day at a time. I have some homework to get done to see if this is a title one school...are high school even able to be title 1?? All new because Cape Coral has never had Title 1 schools and now with the economy we have some...

Wed Sept 2nd
The kids bus came closer to 8am... yeah they are tightening the schedule!!
My dear friend Gail emailed today, sure made me feel good. We have been emailing to "catch up" throughout the day.
No check in the mail----Well this is pushing it, I am to get on a plane tomorrow with the contract work funds I did back in April to attend a class reunion (30 years) I thought I planned it out..... I thought all the T's were crossed, i 's dotted.. PROCESSING I will just die if it come SATURDAY! Well tomorrow is Jessica's IEP to get back into High School and I need to focus on preparing for her goals.

Tuesday Sept 1st
I am up and out early; put Steven and Kaitlynn the bus, shower, Emma dressed, to the bank, to the food store where I get great dry good prices, over to pay the water and gas up the van. Whew and it is just about 9:30 am...OUCH! this makes me really feel the ride to school for Steven and Kaitlyn. They got on the bus at 7:36 am and are ridding until 9:30 am when they arrive at school; TOO TOO LONG! I need to send some messages to transportation to tighten up the route. I stop by walmart for some additional items to "stock up" for possibly being gone to Illinois... I am getting edgy as I have some funds due to be in and they are not... It seems if a check was in processing three weeks ago in the year 2009 it would be here... I am thinking they must cut their own trees, make their own paper and print their own checks.. I need to ease up on the time it takes to get through processing..... PLEASE! "checks in the mail" Connie and I went to lunch, got some fresh veggies and took some girl time with Jessica.

Monday Aug 31st
Kids are in school and today is a productive day, I have tons to do to be gone on the weekend... not sure it is coming together and that is worrisome. Today it is laundry, house keeping.