Monday, August 23, 2010

I am thankful today because....

I have done laundry and no more laundry has piled up....
I have mopped the floor and no spills or messes need mopped up...
I have run the dishes and no more dishes have piled up...
I have ice frozen in the freezer
I have the temp set at 78 and it is 78 in here...YES!!!
I have cleaned a couple rooms deep clean and nothing has moved....
I have not argued with anyone since 8:54am
I have had no complaints about anything...
I have had no one ask for anything unreasonable.
I have not heard an argument...have not hear a cry, have not heard anything slam or crash, or a door open or close...

I have heard laughter, I have experienced little milestones reached.... and I will miss the chaos, tomorrow.