Tuesday, July 13, 2010

M>I>C>K>E>Y> MOUSE..... here comes the clan

We are 90% packed, ready to head to Orlando tomorrow. I am in need of the respite... My brain is fried. I woke up today to get back on track, OT therapy all day and speech therapy all day crammed mental health therapy in a surprise interview this afternoon which took hours and then clarinet and the Adoption support group meeting and bread run.................... WHEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I may be too tired for a vacation. LOL Not, you didn't really believe that did you?

I am in need of getting myself on a schedule..too many late nights and my need to get news keeps me from sleeping. Emma is stating to follow so it need nipped. I will not take medications for sleeping so it is a matter of balancing my diet and exercercize.

I have all the kids packed and the suitcase on the couch with bag of pool toys, bag of sand toys, bag of beach toys, micro, blender, cooker etc... I have their goodie bags ready and the cooler ready to fill and load. I wanted to load the van tonight but I simply ran out of steam.. Ms Emma has had a rough day, screaming during her therapy and refusing to stand in her other therapy... Tressa and Lucas are playing around with low grade fevers, Jordan was up at 3 am today so tonight keeping him awake until 8 pm was tough. Ok, Emma is giving me fits I need to close.