Saturday, July 10, 2010

Walk this way, talk this way....... song on the brain

Many times when I return from "time away" it takes me a day or so to get back in step. As the children get older I ASSUMED (yes made and a** out of myself)that things would get more cooperative and smoother transitions.. NOT! I realized they too have the same transition of being away to coming home to our routine. Last night I just had to laugh. Kaitlyn obviously had some real REAL independent time as she thought she was 21 and my roommate... then Steven slithered around trying his best to get out to the pool which I had treatment in and he could not swim in until today but he was on a mission to get in...Jordan was clingy and not on schedule, Emma was having a difficult time no longer being the only child and Tressa was simply out of control with food seeking.... she took my purse apart and went through the diaper bag, she was up many times throughout the night searching. I pray after a full day today they are all tired and we eat, do bedtime routine on schedule and all falls back into place..

I plan to blog our next trip starting this Wed to help others understand how I travel solo with the children. Many asked me why I had not been blogging lately, they said they learn a lot from my writing. I actually was not aware many even read my blog it was more therapy for me than I thought helping others... Welcome and Thank you.

I have in home help today which is allowing me to take the children who were in camp out to the pool and a picnic lunch for one on one time with them. They have not had time to tell me all about their experiences away at camp. The camp provided a slide show which gave me visions of their week of fun and now I want to hear it from them. This camp has been a part of our lives for years now which gives me a strong sense of comfort leaving them. The staff truly care for my children as if they were related. We look forward to next year as Lucas will be 7 and of age to attend. Off to get on my swimsuit.