Friday, February 20, 2009



12 years old....How does it happen so fast????? He has on some new Michael Jordan tennis shoes sparkling white with curl laces...he is lovin it! He is in for a real surprise tonight.. This years party focus is getting him ready (styling) for MIDDLE SCHOOL! Steven will join Kaitlyn at Mariner Middle in the fall.

I have not written in a couple days.. Kaitlyn has that fire back in her. Sitting at the table doing home work, smiles and so excited to tell us about her day at school and naming teachers.. She is so excited about her new school. Last night she had to find ways to measure things for math home work. She found rulers, measuring cups/spoons, measuring lids, medication measures, scales etc..and she had to write what she found around the house.

She is studying South America which happens to be where some friends of ours are vacationing right now so that brought up conversations and computer searches to the resort town our friends are in, the beautiful waters and also some of the dangers that are different there than here. I am not sure Kaitlyn can understand any culture differences but she loved the green forest look and beach.

The true blessing is that here at home we know what she is learning at school and we are able to support it and build on the subject. As you can tell, I am happy for her as well.

Kiersten continues to bring her grades up and raise her self esteem as the effort comes forward. Her turning to teen was difficult for her to balance all the emotion and hormone so as she leaves middle school heading to high school she sees the effort she makes is the key to her future happiness (ability to buy expensive purses) Her desire to HAVE have have the new and trendy style requires her to make the grade, to get to college to get the job needed.

Jordan and Tressa are so excited to be in school today as they are getting IDENT-A-KID id's today and they believe it is for their ID checks for traveling... Their very own license.

Lucas was so under the weather yesterday he slept the entire afternoon. I got cold medication which cleared him out and he woke up like nothing was wrong... We will see how today goes. Steven has been fighting off the green express....Yuck! Musinex cleared him right up yesterday.

I have a busy day today with lost of checking up on follow through medication refills, school supplies, food shopping and lunch with an old friend... the women who put Steven into my life. Off to get ready.