Friday, February 6, 2009

Memories jotted for mental photos

We were ready for school, I am reading Arthur's Valentine, a third time. Kaitlyn decides she needs to teach Tressa just how to carry her school bag to look cool. You know Kaitlyn is Middle school age, yes even children with Down syndrome have style -lol- believe me some people think they have no mind at all.......Kaitlyn puts the bag over one shoulder, places it on the hip, twists her body with one knee slightly bent and says, "See Tressa, like this" Mind you she is just up from sleep, has bed hair, over sized PJ's and sweatshirt (still sick)(a sight!).. Tressa looks at her like what does it matter (she is in 1st grade) having a High school Musical bag is the big thing in 1st grade, not how she carries it. Kaitlyn has Tressa go over near her "Tressa try it, lets see you do it honey" I watch as Kaitlyn is instructing Tressa. I keep reading to the boys. Tressa is so good, she acts very interested in Kaitlyn's directions, then we hear the bus.. ... The bag is thrown over the shoulder on to her back , she runs to be first to the door. Jordan and Tressa compete to see who can get on to the bus "first," most days we can settle it from something prior and they agree but--beings they are siblings some days we have to toss a coin at the bus door! LOL Thank goodness we live in a neighborhood where one car may pass in front of our home a day. I have SUPER bus drives and bus assistance for the little ones this year.