Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I have gotten a few calls;

No, I did not stand in line nor am I down in the tangle of traffic. I took Jordan and Kaitlyn to the Cape Coral library to look for some reading materials for their lesson at home today. Jordan and I read a book about who ate the cookie dough... it was very cute. Then we looked for another book about something to do with Mexico. His big sister is in Mexico and his birth Heritage is Mexico and America. Kaitlyn was all over the young readers shelves looking for a book..ironically and I promise I had NOTHING to do with her choice she chose a book called

BACK TO BEFORE.... I kid you not..and she said it loud and clear. I told her we would read it together as it is over her reading ability 100% to comprehend what she has read. I think her choice is great so we are off to read.

No, I am not home schooling. Jordan is on med shifts and I need to see if the medication makes him sick before sending him to school. He is very calm today and less impulsive although defiant --strong willed so we need behavior modifications on this once impulse is settled.

Tressa is in school, she has an ear ache but otherwise all meds are helping with her diabetes which is keeping her episodes of explosive behavior less.

Lucas is happy to be back at school, he had a cold and now is clear and happy go lucky.