I let Katie sleep until almost 8 am. I know her not having breakfast is not going to be a positive morning experience. I get all but Steven on their buses to school. Kaitlyn in the last minute I wake and tell her it is time to see her Ear Doctor. She gets excited and jumps up to get dressed, in mid stream she says "I need my breakfast" I state again no eating or drinking until after we see the ear doctor.. "MMMOOOOOMMMM I am hungry for breakfast" I rush her quick quick quick
The bus has not come and I need to be out at the hospital at 8:30..... oh not this morning... I get the car packed and turn it around so as soon as I see the bus I can get out of the drive and on the road...it is 8:15am.... I see the bus and head out. We are late... but everything is fine because they allow for this in scheduling.
Kaitlyn is excited telling everyone she sees she is getting her ear fixed with her ear doctor. A nurse comes out to the waiting room, calls Kaitlyn's name and tells her she needs to get a urine sample (pee in a cup) Kaitlyn with a straight serous face looks at the nurse and says; no, I am having my ear fixed. I looked at the nurse she looked at me and I smiled...this is your explanation (pregnancy test) The nurse giggles and says I know it seems silly but we will fix your ear after we get some pee in the cup. Kaitlyn gives a loud gasp and cooperates as if this nurse is crazy mistaken of her job. I had no intention of telling her they are checking for pregnancy. The nurse returns to inform me that Kaitlyn did everything exactly like she instructed, on her own, as if I would be surprised. Then states she actually did EVERYTHING exactly as instructed which is better than many woman she send for this.
We are then called back to pre- op. Once we turned the corner and we were in the Pre-op Kaitlyn stops immediately and says, this is not my ear doctors office. She needed a little nudge to get her to her spot. She is asking a lot of questions, why are we at the hospital, what is that (stretcher) what is that (wheel chair) what is that for (monitor) I am able to talk her through this is what we had planned to do Dr. John walked in and she felt better. Then things were moving and she was getting better but this time much more inquisitive.
Surgery went smooth, recovery quick and we were home at noon. She is in school today (Wed)