Monday, October 26, 2009


The last bus is about to pull up and I am READY..... If they could handle information prior to events... "Halloween is after three days, right mom" --"After three days, no school Thursday Friday right mom"-- "then after three days no school and Saturday is Halloween, right mom" "1-2-3-4-5 more days, right mom" multiplied by about a zillion and no coffee made yet.....KATIE GO TO SCHOOL!! HONEY!!LOVE YA BYE!!! TAKE ME AWAY! LOL some mornings just take everything I have o be a smiling mommy, not that they are bad at all just wanted them to learn to talk for years and now they make up for it in seriously their enthusiasm is contagious and the pure excitement of simplistic things so innocent...ok, it get annoying.

Emma and Tressa are here today for a girly girl day. Tressa is getting a spiral perm from a friend so I can manage her hair. She is going to visit her birth siblings next weekend and her birth cousins from New York are flying across the country (Seattle) to be at her Birthday party. A four day whirl wind of birth family fun. I need this visit to be successful so I am doing as much as possible to make her as accepting as I can..She has all new clothes, new PJ's, new jewelry, her hair will be done, she has Nair for the excess leg hair and most of you are gasping right now because this is not me BUT it is important to Tressa. This is all about Tressa.

Well, we have some things to do before this historic event... I will take pictures.