No music playing so I will make my own...LOL well have you heard the lullaby's on baby swings and the slamming of snare drums on the play seats..I am singing to that rhythm...
The baby's are fed and happy as you can see, I am working on my morning coffee to be considered fed and happy. The dishwasher is running, the washer is going, the house is silent other than the aforementioned tunes from Miss Emma acting as activity director this morning. She just looks ginormous next to little bit yet, in my reality world, I know 16 lbs at going on 9 months; 3 to 6 mo clothes is in no way too big. Just bigger than little bit.
I am putting together the holiday party list to send in for our SHOPPERS, I have slips of paper every where from the massive amounts of calls that come in at all hours.
Here is where I stand...
I have the hall reasonable, $300.00 for the day
I have the food (full turkey buffet)for 200 people about $200.00
I have a DJ seeking his best deal
I have the memo out and calls coming in
I have the FEVER!!!!!
I can feel like it!!!! Falalalal lalalala Is never the holidays (feel)in Florida until I get well into this party planning. so the cat is out of the bag, so to speak! It is for selfish reasons I put on this holiday event each year. You see I loved attending traveling holiday parties cold and wet, loved having friends and family over, trucking through the cold snow days to shop, cutting down a tree with the local guys and do all the holiday traditions of growing up and being up North. Here, the first couple years it didn't bother me...then it any other day of the year Christmas day seemed. I would actually get depressed on Christmas; HOW BAZAAR for "me." The Christmas morning 2004 I was filming and replayed to see myself this angry sad mom out of her mind made me WAKE UP...You see a few years ago I did the music, the shopping, the decorating to the nines around the house, the tree ceremony, the driving around town light judging, the event attending and all of it..I held my annual Christmas eve family gathering and the kids loved it and shared and all was GREAT...but Christmas morning 2004 when I worked so hard to have an enormous amount of gifts wrapped perfectly and got the kids so much...They were not interested in opening any gifts Christmas morning. They wanted to play with what they got the night before and really paid no attention to all my work... I got mad, I really got mad. I was screaming a them to open their presents from Santa if they liked it or not...I was out of my mind...No, I did not hurt anyone except myself... They all looked at me like ..... what is wrong with you???? I will never forget it. They were opening their gifts fast not even looking at the gifts but eyes on me.. I started hauling the rest of the packages into my room and they all could have cared less... I shut off the camera and had a miserable day while the kids played, celebrated and enjoyed one another... not until I saw the film did I get it...and then I took on this event..and now I have Christmas right where it is suppose to be.
I cry a lot, not from anything more than knowing I have life pretty darn good. I love each day of my life today. When I get call after call from families and hear their story it makes me humble. When I know I can reach out to my community and connect with the person who can give to the little girl who will get nothing if I did not be her go between....I feel FANTASTIC! That is happening right now... I need a bike from walmart.
The 16" Girls Huffy Disney Princess Bike, Helmet and Knee Pads Value Bundle
I know a little girl who is almost 5 years old who's life got turned upside down 18 months ago when her little brother was born with a disability, his needs took mom from her career, now the economy took Dads career, he is working two jobs as a Masters lever person making min wage. They are doing everything to hold on to their home and are being successful. The kids do not have underwear on claims mom but that roof over their head is priority today. Having some gas in their tank to get to the numerous Doctors appointments is priority. No one knows we can not afford underwear. They can not see that but mom cries when she shares with me so she feels it!!! All this little girl wants is this bike and today December 3rd 2009 I know within I will find the person to provide this bike which I will fill the basket with Princess pantie's size 5T by December 20th when I can give it to the parents to have under the tree Christmas morning...SO we all just need to BELIEVE. Year after year since I have been hosting this event my life has changed in so many ways spiritually. Only being touched year after year from families like the ones I meet through this event strengthens all my beliefs. I am truly blessed in so many ways. I do not need more than one bike but I do have other families I can share with you....A mom who just delievered in her 6th month lost her job, has nothing... basics diapers/wipes/a is now 3 lbs 7 oz so when 5 lbs can come is scared. Lots of families here without jobs living on welfare for the first times in their lives. PHd working pt time at Starbucks and Pt time at Booksamillion to get the bills paid to keep their home they downsized into... gifts are last priority... this party is no cost to any family and gifts are in bags for families to take home and put under their tree so we are all Santa's of sort...THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS