Monday, March 16, 2009

Budgeting at 15 is not so easy on the pocketbook

A good night sleep is always a welcome, refreshing feeling. Unfortunately, that is not this morning. I was unable to fall asleep last night and tend to go back into childhood where I was to lay in my bed until I was able to fall asleep... I watch the clock and last was about 2:30 in the morning..some sort of paid commercial TV came on which is enough to get me up and turn off the TV...I know they make remotes...I have a HUGE remote

It is so darn early...... The kids were all up and ready to go to school...We have Christmas music on, they all love singing as loud as they can; I saw mommy kissing Santa clause. Usually it starts Keirsten: "MOM MAKE THEM STOP" then the door closes and she is back to sleep....

Keirsten has a big decision this morning. It is her class trip RSVP week. They need $70.00 and the premission slip both given to me for "take care of this mom I really want to go" Keirsten had a baby sitting job this weekend for one day making $120.00 watching one little girl...Not bad. I told her she could help pay the trip cost....well then the trip wasn't so important. "I do not want to spend MY MONEY on it" She said..... SO then I said "Well. I am not jumping to spend my money on it but if it is something you want to do" She then ASSUMED I was saying I would pay for it....I gave that moment some call a pregnancy pause.... I will go half with you. MOM, I should be able to spend my money how I want... I also returned with yes I agree and it is my understanding YOU WANT to go on your class trip which has a cost. She is so spoiled...TOO SPOILED when it comes to material things. I have to work on this at 15 because not much time left before she is out in the real world wher no one will even go half... This baby sitting job is going to be somewhat regular (not at that amount) but many times half on a weekly basis so I told her to secure the trip and each additional job we can work on all her other wants..She has NO NEEDS! We will see, the day is not over.