Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I made it!

You just can not imagine mornings here. I have things so organized but I set myself up by staying up so late..I joined facebook awhile back and recently have done search after search with my school yearbooks in one hand and fingers typing on the other... It is paying off as many many connections are being made... then it was hard to keep married and maiden names straight because of my many contacts with disabilities; who is who and how do I keep this all straight?? I decided to open a group where my High School friends would go exclusively and that just heightened searching for pictures of my school, my home town land marks with memories that needed commented on...my mind going places it hasn't been in YEARS and off into the early morning hours emailing , commenting and strolling down memory lane which actually we called Bud lane and remembering beer back then was Pabst blue Ribbon...YUCK! We lived near the brewery I guess must have been the reason, although for sure Budweiser was the "cool" beer... Me not really liking beer so much preferred a 7/7 even today although with age nothing is "the same." A quality Blushing goose is leaning to my now preferred. One drink and I am done --planning for a good head ache if I d o not drink a gallon of water... Maturity kicks in at many ages.

This morning I was not sure if I was going to get the kids ALL on their bus. I was firm with Jordan if he stayed home we were "today" going for his blood draw but if not it must be done before Friday... I was hoping it wasn't today because once Steven is on the bus, I so want to lay back down.... I never do that but today know if I don't, I will crash... The kids want to do fun stuff each night before I leave on Saturday -- I need energy when they get home.