Monday, March 9, 2009

Dr. Young

We got to the Dentist who has known me for some time. She did a quality first visit and Lucas was good with her counting his teeth, scrapping some plaque off and giving a good bill of health.

Keirsten on the other hand has 2 cavities, needs to go back in two weeks. She didn't take her ADHD medication and oh boy did it show.... Acted like a 2 year old when we were making the return visit..

I ran Keirsten home to Mandie, then went on to Health Park with Lucas to see the Neurologist. Once in the office his staff copied ALL the medical records. First Doctor in the area to copy ALL the records. Most are in Hungary native language. Medical is Latin based so much of it I was able to figure out although much more I couldn't. It was one of the most unusual visits I have been on. I was well versed on questions for this Doctor although no one told be he just got out of Middle school....(joking). He couldn't have been over 18 years old...LOL (again joking) Made me a little hot a room all alone..well Lucas was sorta there ....and this hot young body making eye to eye contact, seeming to be interested in every word I had to say...... and even said I could teach him a thing or two..... You bet !!! I would "volunteer" for that even.....LOL OK, all kidding aside, he was fascinated in my day to day experiences raising the kids. Yeah, it was all about the kids I am raising.... One of his earlier patients today was a baby with Prader-willi syndrome. He said she was "SWEET" he seemed a little taken back when my face had to have been off with a definition of "sweet"... I explained my little girl is now 7 and although she can be sweet.... Sweet is stretching the over all characteristic I would use... Sweet....yes she is sweet... tough days and thank goodness we have moments of I did explain she is funny, very very funny and keeps me on my toes because one NEVER KNOWS what will come out of her mouth at any given time.

Example.. She believes JUNO is now her favorite movie (today) I asked her why...she said because she gets pregnant. I was taken by the answer and said well how did that happen....she says...Cause she bought a pregnant stick at the store. I told her she better never buy a pregnant stick.. LOL She agreed. She thinks the girl is funny. It is a base to build on, today we will promise no shopping for pregnancy sticks.

FCATS are home work tonight and the schools says get to bed early. I cannot be happier.

SO lets get back to Dr. Young Blood. He was so cute, (nice/funny/personable) and said he is going to give Lucas an exam, but really he sees nothing of concern, actually feels he can learn a whole lot from me. He would like to have a connection for further patients as me as the resource. Does this count for internship...?? I am up for a Doctorate. I am always happy to help... It concerns me when parents or professionals comment about baby's with PWS and how good they are, how sweet they are...etc... I remember she would have slept entire days away even two if I did not wake her up and make her work...yes she cried, yes she hated most of the work but she got strong, has been making gains and is doing very well...She is very smart... Doesn't miss a thing. I could have let her sleep and look sweet and "be good" Who knows how that would have turned out for her.