Thursday, March 26, 2009

Good morning all. My health is fine. I am picking up the pieces from being under the weather with all aspect of life... My grandson was feeling his grandma had abandoned him by not having him over for play dates for over ten days... He did however accurately manage to complete a three full sentence conversation on the phone articulating his wants and needs clear enough that I just had to hop in the van to go pick him and and buy a new book. Yes, he is talking (when he wants to) very well. He is saying a few undesired words I hope pass quickly...... making sure my daughter gets the message her friends need to curb language with a new little one absorbing EVERYTHING around him. We bought the books and then picked up Keirsten for a dentist appointment which took a little longer than planned.. He did well considering. Once we finished my daughter wanted to spend some of her baby sitting money she had $80.00.... There is a store called Plato's CLOSET which has slightly used designer clothing (LABELS) and she loves this store. As she entered she went right to her favorite name brands and began loading her arm with items. Ayden and I walked around the store, each time bumping into Keirsten she had several more items on her arm. I suggested she might start trying on things as Ayden's level of staying power is decreasing and we need to move on....She informs me she is buying everything and doesn't need to try them on. I suggest she choose a belt so that she doesn't have to take her siblings and create world war three each time... She couldn't find any she like HELLO!!!!! There was one EXACTLY like the one she barrows and her size!!! I saved that memory--no none I really like..... OK. You do realize we are spending her money now so things look a little different. I asked her one more time.. Do you believe you shouldn't try those on and figure what you have and what you should buy....NO MOM! I am getting them all, let me find a jacket and I will be done.... In my oh say....30 years of shopping experience I couldn't figure buying what she has for $80.00 even at a garage sale....but I suggest she gets in line.....oh what???She grabs a pair of large square sunglasses as she advances in line.... When the cashier is about half way threw taking all those buttons for security off ringing up the items I simply ask Keirsten if she has enough for everything...I get the oh mom you are such a weirdo I get eye contact with the cashier and simply ask her to tell Keirsten at this now 1/2 way point what her subtotal is... $79.00 I AM GOOD! Keirsten's face goes pale... I look at her and tell her I am not spending on clothing today, she needs to budget her choices. The woman was very nice and took the large piles--rung up and not and placed them on the counter... no one else was in line..and she asked Keirsten to decide what she liked most... it was interesting to see her "downsize" She actually put back to the $60.00 mark. Once getting in the van she shared with me she couldn't believe how fast it added up and then asked if we could swing through MacDonald's... The kicker to the whole budget lesson came about 9 pm last night when her friends called to plan their weekend and asked her to go to the movies...MOM CAN I GET $20.00 from you to go to the movies.......... I simply said BUDGET KEIRSTEN. (She has to babysit Friday so she will earn it but not wanting her to think it all comes so easy) Life's lessons.

Today Lucas gets fitted his DFO's which is a decision I made with Ortho.. They say it is 50/50 any use although it is my desire for him to "feel" how his feet and ankles are suppose to work. He is walking much better although he often looks at his feet and wants to lay his foot to the side and a club. SO I believe only for training. The specialist made it very clear it will not strengthen his foot at all just keep things moving in the way the foot and ankle are intended. That is good for him for now.

Tressa went to school on the bus solo, she loves being the big girl able to inform everyone of Lucas and Jordan's absence. Her days at school are up and down. She just can not get a handle on learning math and enjoying it. Each of her behaviors stem from math or something similar...non preferred task is the educational word. If only Zack and Cody could teach school... she seems to know everything they do.

Jordan has caught on to how one stays home from school and musters a deep dry foul sounding cough in the morning and sure to be in my face and asks to see the doctor... please! I just wish I knew if there is anything behind this cough he got while in the hospital in August with a broken elbow. It has never fully gone away since August.

Keirsten is not wanting to wake up this morning and Kaitlyn is needing some "hair direction" so I need to hop off and will be back on later... remind me about the whole period girl thing with miss Kailtyn ...oh having it what 18 months and she is "done with it!" She tells me she doesn't like her period ....LOL some really cute moments... things we wish we could all express openly.