Monday, March 9, 2009

It is one of those mornings that you know you have so much to get done, be ready for and would like to look your best...BUT ...the fact you couldn't sleep and the Internet never shuts down, you now pay the price for ringing in the new day on your notebook. It must have been about 1 am Tressa was up and thirsty, then Kaitlyn was changing beds to couch back to bed about 1:30ish again at 2 and was up moving around at 5....I am sure more happenings were created during my rem sleep and I simply am not aware. The kitchen was secure this morning therefore a successful lock The "spring" hour seemed to hit like a brick wall. Tressa was awake although not her usual sunshine personality. She was up a few times in the night, I found her leaving my room at one point...She comes to seek a drink of water next to my bed when hers is empty. I have to be careful that if I make a loaded drink- I either finish it completely or be sure to dispose it because she will drink it.

I have two dentist appointments and then to the neurologist for Lucas. I have not been the best at keeping my calendar therefore this day is crammed mid day while tourists are peak and roads are miserable by the beach where I have to go....College's spring breaks. we are like # 3 or 4 top "hot spot" and this week the weather is PERFECT so I assume it will be slammed out there.

Tomorrow is packing day... Packing for eight days in cold climate without Jordan catching wind of it... We talked this weekend, all he did is cry/wine; "Don't go-stay" Mandie assures me after day 2 or 3 he calms down and as long as I DO NOT CALL he remains Ok until about the day before I return, he seems to feel it. The rest...Cherish their sister time. I am not sure sister is ready for these early bus departures and with her being over loaded with wedding planning....but like she said- she looks for the prize. Eight days of respite service will help very much with wedding expenses. I can not tell you how wonderful it is to have someone you trust 110% with the kids when I am away. When your children can not verbalize well it is important they are never put into situations which you can not say 100% they are safe. I feel fortunate to have her.