Friday, March 27, 2009

The photo of my brother (motorcycle racing)

Today has been a wonderful school with lots of one on one time with the kids. We are excited for summer coming, excited to be in contact with extended family making summer plans. The kids are very excited they will be seeing the Easter Bunny next weekend at the picnic...

We were all going about our day, pool time, lunch and snack, games and coloring when all of a sudden Lucas found it very funny to dump a full box of crayons on the floor.. You see he is a HUGE fan of DUMPING... He doesn't feel the same for the picking up potion of the act. WHen he was in his room to go to bed he would dump out legos...I would make him pick them ALL up, he would cry and act as if he really needed to go to sleep at that point...He would cry like nothing I have heard before because it is forced but strong and he seems to not have the "different" tones of crying so he pours iit on strong..IT WORKS FOR HIM SOMEWHERE.... But I make him cry AND PICK UP until the activity is complete. Today he started the strong full on cry as soon as he realized he was going to have to pick up the crayons. Mandie was next to him to help guide him and the look he gave her like...YOU DON'T SE ME CRYING??? and poured it on even actually makes me laugh inside because some where this works for him and he is confused why it isn't working