Sunday, March 15, 2009

Distant yet

Blogging is a balance between real life and what is acceptable to share with the world. It has been an incredibly emotional week, for a variety of reasons. I feel distant from the blog; for balance, as the priority is and always will be my role as Mom.

How did I get here:
A planned yet anxiety filled trip was prepared for, then canceled for one of my children. A couple days of blunders...just off balance in our schedule nothing serious. I began opening "cans" of worms from past- distant relationships both very positive and some not so positive through facebook. Exposing myself to family and friends from High School whom I haven't had contact with in 30 years for many, leaving a town where most had no idea why a sudden move occurred. A town I love, feel very connected through my heart felt memories and roots. For me, it is mental rushes of the past, mixed with some of the current, brought to the surface for dealing with. Old feelings and fresh ones...grieving loss years past I never shared, learning of end of life with a close relative. If none of this makes sense, welcome to my mind this I know time will help, it is just a lot to expose oneself to in a short amount of time. I am holding hands with all the positives coming from this and leaving the hurt aside for today... I am sure something profound is going to be on the other side of this experience.