Friday, March 6, 2009

Tressa already feels relief

It took about 3 hours total today and she is already feeling better. Tressa in CHARGE, was what she was nurse mentioned "bossy" but in a nice way. Tressa was asking questions along the way, checking what every one's name is, if they had husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, boys or girls..if they have any dogs, what kind their name and any other information she could get. It is amazing to me the answers freely given to my child from total strangers. The post op nurse fell in love with her and asked if she could take her She overheard some of Tressa's conversations with her birth Mother and that sparked a lengthy conversation about Grand dad (Doe Doe) Grandma, sliding down the slides on the hill side, snow balls, the upcoming trip to Seattle and etc... and she took all the time to listen that another nurse volunteered to post op an older gentleman getting rather annoyed at the time spent in our #4 space... our nurse simply said, "that is very nice of you" and let the other nurse discharge the gentleman for her..... the conversation went on to Popsicles and bravery... off to school, her new brother and tomorrow being her nephews birthday and she will be 8 on her next birthday... No she DID NOT receive any drugs..... it is just her natural personality; to GAB!