First thing to let everyone know. Tress's tests confirmed she is having bladder reflux. I do not know what that means for what comes next yet. I put a call into the Doctor and will call again this morning due to my lovely palm pre shutting itself off on our way home NO IT WASN'T DEAD... I am so tired of the malfunctions of my Palm Pre I get so frustrated but it cost so much money and sprint says I am crazy it work s fine...They want me to get so mad I toss it out... I will not.
Any way I do know we have to go for a scaring test, I have no idea where, when or how that works. I will keep everyone posted. She doesn't feel any of it. When the nurse went to Cath. her she said this is going to bur like fire...she has a yeast infection she never mentioned.. She didn't flinch..The look on the nurses face was shock. Hen her bladder was as full as could be the Doctor said Tressa don't you need to go Pee Pee, Tressa says "No" He turned the monitor to hr and I and said, Look honey your bladder is as full as it can be. Can you try to go pee pee....Tressa says I don't need to. hen he asks hr to close her eyes and try. The screen shows a little release and he praises her and asks for more... Her bladder is so full we can not see the part for refluxing back to her kidney. Once she gets her bladder down some then it is obvious yes, it is going out both directions.. Very interesting.
This is the same Doctor that found Emma's pyloric stenos in May. He remembered us. The girl down stairs at out patient check in reads the blog "HELLO, HAVE A GREAT DAY" and is hoping to read about the Extreme Makeover soon...LOL I told her I a sure it will hit local media before it is ever on my blog if we are chosen.
So then we came home with a Birthday cake and goodies to put on a Birthday party for Carmelo. Pictures will tell that story but this THREE YEAR OLD TODAY 3/3/10 is now # THREE officially is already addicted to the DS game so grandma got him the new Mario game...and you will see the outcome of that....
Tuesday night Bread night and an IEP in the morning...