Friday, September 26, 2008

Another weather friendly morning

Humidity is up a little more although the temp is down so feels great. I have a friend going to Chicago this weekend, I am jealous. LOL

The morning went smooth, all but the middle school girls out and on their way to school. Kaitlyn is staying home again because she can not see without her glasses and going to school is senseless. We can do things at home which I have in large print or on CD. She is in the program RFB&D which is for the blind and dyslexic,a service that provides books on tape so her AR books can be read, then listen to for comprehension. It is also open to text books. I am looking forward to the school having Kursweil for her text books although it seems to be taking a long time to get that into place. A new program, classroom suites, is looking good as well. I need to regroup for middle school this is new territory for me and not feeling like we are being successful. Kaitlyn has lost a ton of skills since school ended last June. Her spirit is not into it either.

Coffee is on, a friend is stopping by for some catching up time, his parent is going into surgery today and back in town for support to his Mother. I plan to work on IEP prep paperwork today for Steven. BOWLING tournament tomorrow!!! It is Friday so having everything caught up with the house as well.