Friday, September 12, 2008

Who is the extra child in the pool?????

Jessica is in the pool with the children. About six years ago I was contacted to see if I could take custody (disruption) I learned that an Aunt lived in my neighborhood so I talked to the Aunt and together we put a plan in place for me to be the "respite" person so the Aunt could take this child in and still manage her job and marriage. The uncle wasn't all for the new responsibility although with the support he agreed and Jessica went to live with Aunt Connie. Aunt Connie needed Jessica to stay in our home Thurs to Sunday each week so she could keep her waitress job. So we kinda had joint I gave them the information to get on the DD waiver and helped enroll them, got them connected to the local supports and services. We did this arrangement for a little over a year or two... who remembers... then Uncle Jackie saw his role and the impact a positive male role model makes on a growing young girl. I started watching less, Connie moved jobs and Jessica settled into her family. I continue to provide support and respite has gone to a day or two a month. She is now on the waiver for support. Jessica being 17 is looking at transition to Adult and again we find ourselves planning. Aunt Connie has become extended family and Jessica very much connected to solid family values which taught her about love.