Saturday, November 8, 2008

From the wee hours of morning to the wee hours of night.

Today has been full and productive. Last night after dropping the kids off to camp Lucas and I returned home late and fell asleep fairly quickly. It is amazing how I seem to always feel the need to be Mother... I found myself on half my bed to give room for the children coming in through out the night...BUT no children came...LOL so I scrunched in a portion of my bed for no reason...but HABIT.

Lucas and I took our time to get up this morning, had a hot breakfast and went into cleaning mode. Well I did, it started with washing the couch cushions, throw pillows and arm rests. Then a trip to Tressa's room starting the transformation from hearts and flowers to Tinker bell, fairies and flowers. With no need for two dressers I moved one out, added a shelf and put a dresser in the boys room. This move required major cleaning.. even dusting ceiling fans and frames on the walls.. Almost like nesting although I did have a few cups of COFFEE... off to laundry because cleaning anything that includes my children means laundry is involved. The washer was going all day even getting to throw rugs.. Lucas was happy to be home alone, finding all sort of things to move and rearrange from where I had put them. I took all the Halloween items down and replaced with Thanksgiving. New things interest the little man. I was smokin' to even take EVERYTHING out of the china cabinet, hand wash paper towel dry and replace along with getting ready for our 5 pm Miss Quince' party. This would be my first, and boy was it fun. We dressed to the 9's and headed to the party. My grandsons were in the ceremony and many friends attended. Lucas was GREAT with the loud music sound system and tons of food and drinks. He ate his first peanut M&M tonight. The first went well, second not so well and he wanted more although visually you'd think he didn't want it although he would put more into his mouth..HUGE step for him!! By 8 pm he was not holding on much longer so we headed out for home. Lots of missed calls to return and follow ups on some upcoming events.

UPS brought a couple packages today; Tressa has regular contact with her birth family as they are extended family to us now. They live in the state of WA and had gotten a new puppy this past summer. A black lab named River. Tressa calls this puppy her "new birth dog" and today she got a stuffed black lab from her birth family for her Birthday. She will be so happy when she comes home to find her "River" on her bed. Her grandparents got her Tinker Bell bedding and her birth parents a couple wonderful dress up outfits she will LOVE. Tressa is into comfort,,,and these are perfect. Kaitlyn (Birthday a couple weeks ago) got a new Bible today with her name engraved on the front leather cover. Tomorrow when they return they will all be very happy.