Saturday, November 1, 2008

Photos to come...HALLOWEEN

Halloween was loads of fun for the children. They walked all around the neighborhood stopping in to say "Happy Halloween" and "Thank you" So cute. Many of the neighbors had made special time and treats for the (neighborhood) kids. Our neighborhood is known to have the bigger city kids come in car loads to trick or treat. It was a beautiful night to be outside as well.

Our group was large as the kids and grand kids came out together. The loot... holy cow! I have HUGE cooking soup pots full in my closet of candy. Tressa had some struggles although we had near to the last stop a house to get rice crispy treats which she knew she was going to eat when we got home. She did get into it and had about 1/2 gone before we got home although over all she did WONDERFUL. AND had a perfect day. She cried a little because i missed the parade and she looked for me. Kaitlyn's bus came a little late which made the ride to the parade impossible to make. She was OK, other than the school party which I sent extra wild berry jell-o for and gave her permission to have one small cookie.... She was so good, had basically lettuce for dinner, it all works out. 600 calories a day any way that works... one day all in treats??? Well only one day here and there. THANK YOU FOR THE PLAY-DO TREAT HOUSES!!!!

I will down load photos later, I had such a busy day getting bills paid, food shopping, last minute items to pick up for a house full of people. Off to replenish know the home delivery milk man wasn't something that should have been lightly given