Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It is venting time.................................

What else...SCHOOLS

I really truly know the depth of concentration one must have to deal with my children...I am their Mother. I am one, not a system so I do know them all much better to do preventive measures BUT...........

My day started (last night) when Kaitlyn got off the school bus without her brand new clarinet.. She claims that a girl (my friend) took her clarinet in math class. I asked her where it is and she said her friend took it... I call the school and no one is there.. #1 concern is that the administration leaves their post before all the children are home??? I do not feel that is safe.

I call the school this morning to inform them Kaitlyn came home with out her clarinet and she states it is in her math class or someone took it who is in her math class. I hold while the front office checks with the teachers opening their classrooms. No one can find it. The band instructor verifies it is two days old and he seems very saddened. The front office staff inform me that she should keep a better hold on it as it is so small anyone could steal it by putting it into their back pack. I inform her that Kaitlyn has a para professional and that any time she transitions on campus she is supervised for safety.... HELLO!! Again she says yes but this instrument is so small it could be put into a book bag.. I am not feeling any easier.. I inform her that we are at the Doctors office and will be on campus soon. I inform Kaitlyn she is going to play the trombone from here on..LOL ( I AM KIDDING)

I stop at Toys R Us to exchange Kaitlyn's ipod which will not load music or play properly. I have had the receipt in my purse for days and it is not there.. I take about a dozen deep breaths and say a prayer that things will not push me over the top in exchenging this ipod right now as I am not settled on the clarinet. My mind envisions kids doing all sort of things to Kaitlyn on campus if they would steal her clarinet..I am letting this rise inside me from all the past uneasy feelings I have had since she entered middle school... and this clarinet is really the glue holding me together to keep her in public school (middle school) so the meaning is HIGH PRIORITY.

So we go into the store and this very very nice man takes everything so gently and Kaitlyn explains it doesn't work and the two of them so nicely exchange the ipod for a new and off we go.

I am driving to the school feeling the blood boil. Why am I doing this I am asking myself??? I call a parent liaison with the school system to help calm myself and possibly get her help so we can retrace Kaitlyn's tracks and find the clarinet. I just do not in my heart believe some one would steal her clarinet... (not that her PSP wasn't stolen at breakfast last year) that is a more desired item. So I vent into an answering machine..It helped. I call a friend and stay calm driving to the school. I have vision of pulling Kaitlyn out,....I know a Valium would have been good at this point but I will not resort to medication...I can see Kaitlyn is more distraught than I which keeps me on edge.

I take again deep breaths and enter the school... There sits her clarinet waiting for her arrival..YEAH! The front office staff request her to not leave it any where and keep hold of it. I request it be placed into her book bag after today. I feel OK, and go home.... the day is progressing with lots of dirty tasks getting completed..PILES of stuff needing to be gone through sorted thrown out or put pile down...two piles down..I am on a roll... It is time for me to put things away for the kids to come home.. I put dinner into the oven, help Steven with homework and lock up the kitchen for the 3 little ones arrival. They are home. Home work to the table, Tressa has only one sad face on her paper (daily report) and wishes to negotiate the TV time.. (no TV with sad faces) but she wants me to know it was a little tiny sad face. SHE KICKED HER TEACHER..little tiny sad face my--- so she is keeping her distance from me and telling me all kinds of nice things about the decorations I have put up for Thanksgiving..even told me I looked nice today..( I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN) She agrees to play in her room with no TV, without a fuss. I check on her and she is not there.. She has gone into the boys room and turned on the TV for "Lucas" just being a helpful big sister.... and she returns to her room. I am patching Jordan's eye and helping him with home work...NOT PLEASANT. Something tells me to check on her again..LUCAS' book bag is on her bed with left over lunch containers he didn't eat. she has them opened but doesn't appear she have eaten anything, YUCK.... so She says she is sorry, I tell her how dangerous it is to eat things not kept refrigerated. Checked dinner and something told me to check on her again....

SHE HAS A TIN BOX OF GODIVA CHOCOLATES!!!! milk Chocolate pearls! (EMPTY) I am livid. Who gave you that? Mrs......, her assistant principle..I said what was in it? (I am thinking maybe she wasn't thinking and gave it to her for an empty container) + (not a wise decision either) Tressa clearly says, REALLY GOOD CHOCOLATE.....................where there a little or a lot...She clearly says A LOT and so I ask, Does Mrs... know you have this? NO she relays. I ask her how did she get Mrs. .... Chocolates? I got them when she was talking to Mr. ...another assistant principle... and so I ask her what the two were talking about? Tressa replies; How much they miss Kaitlyn. I call the school and none of the administration is still on campus, I left a message to be called first thing in the am... Going back to Tressa she informs me when she cries in class she goes to

This is all settled and Kaitlyn gets off the bus with no clarinet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!