Monday, November 3, 2008

A kitchen break in ...UGH

I woke up to lights on in the kitchen... It makes me heart sink. I first yell for Tressa to respond.. she has a perky voice so I know her body is not in distress from over doing sugar, food or whatever... I check the door. She has chipped away wood to get to the closure to pop it open. Bigger dead bolts with longer posts need purchased today. It might be time for full chains and paddle locks for the frig..Right now I have the plastic straps which usually do it for me to find her (daytime.) New readers, she has Prader-Willi syndrome;

In her room I find the frozen ice cream machine container (no more ice cream) then a chocolate frosting container empty, a bag of bagels and container of cream cheese (strawberry) GONE! The amount of food has caused her body to function (excess poop) so her overnight pull up is hidden and she has a mess...She has sat on my couch to change, so YEP it is a mess! Disaster from her trying to clean up in the bathroom, good morning!

My goal first is "HOW" so I gently start talking about counting up the food she ate for her "list" no punishing tone, just collecting INFORMATION. Then I move into "Did someone forget to lock the kitchen?" (I know I locked it) She says "No" Oh, so Tressa how did the kitchen door open? Can you show me? She gets the screw driver from her bottom drawer and proceeds to show me. The neighbor came over to help tighten the toilet to the floor and she had to use the bathroom..I wasn't she got the screwdriver out of his bucket of tools.. always thinking and planning..

She gets into the tub, I begin the clean up process.. She did say she didn't know why she did it.. No problem, I can not understand PWS I say my serenity prayer, yes one day at a time. Tell her our plan to come get me when she needs something from the kitchen so we can get it on the list FIRST and not after. She says, OK. Anything more and it becomes too overwhelming.

Lucas has on some new jeans that light up lights on a fire truck. He is using them as self stem comfort and not hitting himself so much.. A good thing.

Keirsten and Steven have the garbage out to the road with min. frustration...and off to school they go.

Jordan has his cast coming off this morning, my day moves forward. Oh.. it is 7:30 am now...time for coffee.