Friday, November 21, 2008

Yesterday ended exhausting... My 14 almost, 15 year old "typical" so they call her; some even say "normal" child, who actually has serous ADHD hidden under her beauty....

yesterday was a day of doctors appointments, with my morning starting off odd because Jordan was not himself. I forgot morning meds which then set Tressa off as soon as she realized (a block from the house on the morning bus ride) I get a call from the school clinic, I will be on my way with not only hers, but Jordan's medication.

At school I learn Jordan is not acting himself at school either. The normal things he prefers to do, he is resisting.. I take him with me for his annual physical, pick up Kaitlyn for her physical and head to the doctor. Jordan goes into infantile mode. He will not obey for anything. He won't get weighed, doesn't want to stand, sucking his thumb...ALL VERY ODD! It is a three hour span of waiting, working with the staff, getting all the tests run, getting through the two physicals...I need to get him home.. more meds to fill for annual treatment of allergies. We get home, feed Jordan and things start to mello.

That almost 15 year old comes barreling into the house WITH A DOG!!!! Yep, when she got off the bus and walked home; some nice man stopped her and asked her if she would like this BIG puppy.... he even gave her dog treats to be sure the dog would follow her. AND AT MY FRONT DOOR HE (DOG) ENTERS. Keirsten is squealing with excitement. Thank goodness Barbie, the behavioral specialist, and Mandie, my in home support help, were in the house at the time... The mature adults all quickly squashed any idea of this dog joining our family. THANK YOU!

Now, how do you take a dog back in front of six very excited children, who for a split moment thought they had a dog. I now learn that the nice man was a neighbor to people who moved out of state and left this dog behind... we really have no one to take this dog back to but the nice man whom we have really no idea where he lives because he wasn't at a house when this all went down... so the story goes from the 15 year old.

Now, my bigger concern is after 12 years of stranger danger preaching...MY 15 YEARS OLD; what the heck is she talking to a strange man, taking a dog AND DOG TREATS, from a total stranger.

The dog is not leaving on his own, this is becoming more and more obvious. The kids are trying to get him a drink and food...NO NO NO. This is getting all the children very active and running out the front door. Jordan wants to repeat the good byes over and over, now instructing the dog to go home. "Go home dog!" In time we get everything back on track, bathes and bedtime routine and to sleep... I leave the dog in hopes someone will choose him to be part of their family overnight. Calling the dog police seem cruel since I know they are over crowded already.

Question: What is better than an alarm clock????? A BARKING DOG!

Jordan jumped out of bed and ran to the window, was dressed in record time.

Don't get me wrong, I love dogs and the smiles I see on my children's faces enjoying this dog dog. BUT, reality is, they do not follow through on the care of pets, that would be left on me. I am not in that place right now so not fair to a pet. I know this breedof dog is not any breed I would want for my children. I do not have the energy to train a puppy....and many more reason; We go on mini vacations a lot and this would be another responsibility we just do not need on our plate. So we will allow dogs to visit...but not live here.