Sunday, November 2, 2008

Time change struggles...

The morning started VERY EARLY and the day has been a bit off center. Mandie came, I left to visit Kory. I got the chills when I drove into Ft Myers seeing all the Harley riders for birth defect fundraising, Amazing turn out for the event. Upon returning home I stopped to get a few things at walmart. The kids gave Mandie a rough time today, I returned home early for the schedule to stay on track. Mandie has to jab me with any Sarah Palin info she has gathered from her last visit. Lots of wining and crying, they just do not get the hour change I guess.. my break is coming right??? FRIDAY CAMP!

I realized that Friday the kids leave for camp and I get the weekend off ; BUT, BUT, BUT..... no school the following Monday and can you believe that, so much for planning. I have a few busy days the next couple of weeks to save the holiday party ($$$$) the hall fees must be paid by the 19th and no funds have been gathered so it is on me to figure out.