Monday, November 17, 2008

What a day, I am in full speed ahead with the holiday party. FIFTY FIVE families signed up to date. Doing a large spread sheet is interesting learning all the features as I stumble upon them.
I am logging the family, their address and phone, all the children age and gender and their gift wish. The next is after the party logging what they got and where it came from. I am learning a lot from the folks who have done this for years. Some still have the spirit and another needs to retire. (Scrooge)

Kaitlyn had her braces tightened today, the appointment was made awhile back not thinking it was during school near band time. We raced to and back from the appointment so she was able to play her new clarinet in band today. She didn't have to fine #142 case and it not there... SHE HAS HER OWN. She is so proud.

Returning home I learn Jordan is not keeping on his patch over his eye at school and it is interfering with his education. I will do it at home, his Doctor called and we are switching medications to help him get over this cold/cough.

Lucas' appointment for his gag reflux has been rescheduled because CMS scheduled during Kaitlyn's Wed Doctors appointment and now it is of all times on the date and time of another appointment... I will call to try and re-schedule myself with my calendar to plan from.