Sunday, November 30, 2008

Five fabulous days with my children

The end of five fabulous family days.

I was able to have one on one time with each of the kids over the past five days. Time actually with Michelle, Mandie and their children as well. It is so important to spend quality time with the ones we love. Time not watching TV, or caught up in commercial items. I needed to catch up on where each are in their personal lives, who has relationship issues or inside questions that moms are suppose to know and help direct through life. Keirsten is experimenting with the first time vocalizing having a "boy friend" although it is not supported through me as of yet. Having a male friend at school "you lay claim" on as "my boyfriend" is all it is today. Dating comes with maturity. Today we work on all relationships; sibling, girlfriends and ok we will start the boy friend talks. Responsibility talk was a couple years ago and at that time boys were yuck! From then sexuality is open conversation here. Kaitlyn as you read is exploring expressing her choice and opinions.. yikes this is untraveled water for me... I just thought it wasn't possible she would have a view which was not mine first...not mine at all... really I thought she would go with whatever made mom happy. Steven is moving into the pre-teen clothes conscious kid. He wants a lap top for Christmas and has expressed the fisher price style as long as it looks like a real lap top is all good.. see I have a couple more mom power years with him.. His interest in girls is minimal; Emily...and I have no idea who Emily is yet. Then I have Jordan who the more I give my time to, he wants more.. Cutting that cord seems like a hard job I haven't faced yet. Tressa, she is the fireball right now. She talks up a storm and has so much insight..and EARS that have not one problem... sonar hearing. It catches me off track when I feel comfortable talking pig Latin about "Santa" and she is right there, ears wide open and so quiet you forget she is there taking it all in. She has so much to say and so funny. DRAMA school is in her future. Lucas, wow! anyone who knew him would be impressed with his growth. Facial front eye to eye conversation (no words) but you know what he is saying and he understands EVERYTHING now. He is a very smart boy. He runs for kisses, knows how to enlist others to play, how to join in play and most of all doing all the normal boy things to get into trouble (good trouble) showing he is picking up the normal testing limits as an American boy... The past five days were needed because the next five weeks will be full of appointments, activities and holiday hustle and bustle. God bless all the children waiting for families through the holidays. Please if any of you are thinking about adoption go to to view waiting children. Many children in the US wait as well.