Sunday, January 18, 2009

Balancing a full load

I have the younger five alone this weekend so blogging is back stage...LOL Now to tell you what we are doing. I have DUMPED every what not drawer, bucket, bin, bag and tote I own. I sorted into other specific bins. One for the shed(tools, household fix up items) Another for laundry room items; inside cleaning, laundry, linens; Another for "batteries" Yes we have so many battery operated items we have a place in our home for batteries to be re-charged and stored. The final bin was for the what most call a garage; decorations, PODS Angels "stuff" and items seasonal for our home or annual parties. Yep, the kids helped. It got a bit wired at times as they lost focus on the main goal for today...lots of lost treasures found.. BUT we have all our things in all the right areas (not places) I will go to each area and sort and put away everything into it's place later.

for new readers; my adult children are all out on their own. I took claim of my house and gave all the ones not living here until January 1st to have whatever they wanted out of this house so I could make it "MINE" again. Now that I have taken claim of my house...which I have owned since 1990 and have collected and stored and stashed and shoved since 1990 in getting a cleaning like it has never seen before.

For now, you can envision how I must stay focused attending to the kids and not blogging...we are on a roll. No camera, no photos :o(