Friday, January 16, 2009

FRIDAY how in the world did it come so fast...

I can not believe this week flew by. This morning went well even with adding breakfast on to my routine for Lucas. For some reason he is not eating at school and is loosing too much weight. I am feeding him as soon as I get him off the bus a full meal and he will eat his dinner on top of that and a bedtime snack. This makes it very difficult for my children who can not eat so much because they are gaining weight just by looking at food right now. BALANCE..
I am hoping with OT and PT underway at school possibly it will improve or an IEP stating they must feed him what he can not self feed. The teacher said "he doesn't like it" It is what he ate here already and eats a fresh portion when he gets home. It is not that he doesn't like it. Some times he makes faces if there is a chunk bigger than he would like it to be... If we would chew it for him he would be happy. I have been down this road once and so it is old school for me and here he gave up trying to get out of chewing... If feeding him took 2 hours he ate until it was done.... Now it is; get to the table, eat and go play.... much more fun. The behavioral support person was here a good part of yesterday and commented on Lucas gains. Asked if I have been video taping.. That would be with my third arm... LOL I miss many opportunities of taping because I would #1 loose the moment and #2 don't have a third arm. He plays with the boys so well; runs, teases, and interacts as if he was never any where but here. Yesterday he spoke a word 'Yes" to the behavioral person and us all there to hear it. He has the cutest voice and when "HE" heard it so clear he was so proud of himself. His eye contact is growing longer and more meaningful. I just can not say how well he is doing...He is showing everyone.

The kids will all be in school today a 1/2 of a day and I am running to Lehigh to pick up Linda so we can move forward on the shelves. The weather here is C_O_L_D and I really do not care how much COLDER it is any where else, it is COLD here and here is where I am...LOL

I talked to my friend about a ski trip soon, it isn't that I do not like snow and cold...I just like to plan it, prepare for it and enjoy it... not have to deal with early mornings, kids, showers, coats, shopping, house cleaning... If it is cold, I should be in some cute warm fuzzy something snuggled next to a fireplace with friends doing nothing .....or in my ski suit on the slopes/snowmobile suit races across acres of land. That is my idea of cold.