Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mom...she's wearing my pants again.....

Oh my goodness does it ever stop????? Having three girls wearing the same size is crazy. Many aspects it is a bonus but when they get things as gifts and claim them as "theirs" or just the ones who have "favorites" it s crazy. Kaitlyn is forever saying,,,, Mom, she has on my pants again. Then it goes to persistence to get them off of Keirsten and on goes the babbling about how she is not like her..She is not like Keirsten, she is nice and Keirsten is mean because she wears "my pants" I am not like that she is rambling... I have learned controlled ignoring but when I bust out laughing because it goes to levels just silly crazy.... GIRLS STOP!!!

Kaitlyn does NOT back down nor ever forgets.. She can tell me which pair of pants Keirsten wore on what day last week and if they have made it back to her from the laundry. Isn't there movie about sister and pants already?? I need to rent it for these girls.