Monday, January 12, 2009

The next few days.......

The wall of shelves have been placed on low priority right now.

I have therapies tonight, packing, filling the van to be on the road to Gainesville in the morning. We will be in SHANDS for two days.

Thursday very early I have 2 out at Health Park clinic by 7:45am... OUCH! but when I can get an opening, I take it.

Friday Linda can come back and we can put in another day on the wall (I hope) right now we have an electrical issue that needs resolved with an outlet.

The following week I go to Jacksonville as I do the week after that...God willing I make it to them all.

Pray for all those friends and family laying Leah to rest, she is weighing on my heart. Such a talented woman, full of passion for others, so smart (Duke Grad) and volunteered endless hours to foundations I believe in. Too young to be gone.......