Sunday, January 4, 2009

A day at the beach

We woke up late (9am) for us and the plan was to be packing to leave at we were hustling to get each of them into their bathing suits , the laundry put away and things together to leave as soon as Mandie got here. We stayed on task and got on the road as planned. A stop at Publix for fruit and veggies, drinks and ice to go with are prepared turkey and cheese sandwiches. A run through the NIKE outlet for sandals came up negative for melo. Out to Sanibel we go, a $6.00 toll to get onto the Island and about 8 miles North to mile marker 0 we were bound. The area we go is now under construction so we could NOT park next to the bathrooms and 15 feet from beach front....nope...we had to go to the other side, pay $6.00 to park and we had to truck a great distance to set up camp on the beach. All worked out with only four trips back to the van to get settled.

It was my grandson's first trip to the beach. He wasn't too sure about the sand between his toes at first although the mere pleasure of being outside at the beach took over any discomfort. I wish I could say the same for my He is a wimp!! He hangs in there and goes with us but the noises and cries and facial expressions sure tell us he is outside his comfort zone and if we would just leave him home with a hanger he would be quite pleased..BUT NO, we make him go out to one of the most wonderful rated beaches in the US.... bad us. LOL

The kids LOVE LOVE LOVE the beach and everyone was having fun. Keirsten noticed a warning sign about sharks.. SHARKS IN THE AREA... oh, we thought that was the East coast of Florida... nope we checked and sure enough. I had the kids stay very close and Kaitlyn took it upon her "ability" to get others involved by saying there was a shark she could see.... Chicken little the sky is falling....

It had been several hours of fun and Tressa threw water on Mandie and ran into the gulf. She was giggling and all seemed great fun until she went under water and up she pops WITHOUT HER GLASSES!!!! We run out to search for them with no luck. So yes, there is no wondering if they will show up this time.... one of those sharks with a lazy eye is seeing clearly today! Tressa's grandmother had sent funds because of this type accident and little Miss Tressa not having Grace as her middle name. This was pure accident. She needs her glasses to see and they double as sun protection for her she has to wear them.

We packed up late afternoon and headed home, the plan was to order Chinese food while baths, packing book bags, lunches etc... Getting their hair scrubbed, and put into braids, their clothes set out and their shoes set by the door....Buses at 6 am will be here before we know it..

The mood changes to pizza YUCK, I get so sick of Pill routine right at 7 and they were all asleep by 8.

I am having a great time searching for relatives from my birth family; people I would not be in contact with if we didn't have the Internet access at our finger tips. I am so excited about learning more and more about my extended family. Learning more about who I am, my gene pool history because if there is one thing I have learned in adopting eight children having open adoptions is GENES ARE IMPORTANT pathways to who we are and how we might wink, tilt our heads, giggle, and many many other noted characteristics I have taken note of over the years. Very interesting.