Friday, October 10, 2008

All is well that ends well????

I had forgotten that the kids had eye specialist appointments this morning. It was PICTURE DAY at school for the year book photos and class and I had forgotten... I shot off an email in the middle of the night to he Principle who is so good about responding. He alerted the staff we would be coming in late but wanted in the photo process to have the kids in the year book.

The morning started off very early. Tressa wore hair rollers to bed so they needed to come out, comb her hair and get it into a beauty Queen style. She is wearing a new shirt she bought from the store from her saved earned money. It took three stores and about 20 in gas but she bought that shirt for $7.89! It was on an amazing sale... Tressa got on the bus, I got everyone else ready for the doctors appointment and loaded their book bag with a clean shirt for pictures. Kaitlyn jumps in the shower???? We are getting in to the van.. We get out the door by 8 am and head into Ft Myers. Eye appointments are time consuming. Each has their initial exam, then to dilate and a re-exam, then Jordan needs more drops for pressure testing. From 8:20 until noon we are in the eye doctors.

At noon I call school, let them know we are out and rushing to get there. I run through he drive through for speedy carb lunch and continue.. I get to school take Jordan and Lucas for their photos. Amazing line of students...Jordan did a suck my lips in photo..OUCH! and Lucas well he said it was good enough for Identification purposes.. It had been a rough morning and he most likely has never been dilated and now he needs GLASSES! So I decide to Keep Lucas with me, leave Jordan as his class is going to lunch and the smile on his face is clear he knows he is eating lunch 2 times. Off to the eye glass center. Kaitlyn's are in, Tressa got hers last night and now we need to fit Lucas into a pair. The guy to fit Lucas is not in until Monday so we pick up Kaitlyn's and head home.

20 lbs of potato salad made before the first bus rolls up. Making a list to get the rest of the picnic items for morning. I packed the van last night and put gas in it.

This will be the weakest buddy Walk ever. No help, no interest, no cooperation, so spirit because so many other things have gone on this year. A big picnic and see some of the ole friends. No stress. The parade is tomorrow night.. I know keeping up with myself is sometimes hard to do.

The Columbus Day parade we are in it ever year. DISCOVERING THEIR ABILITY... Jordan is Columbus.. I HOPE TO PULL IT OFF. I will post photos. Then the other kids can come in whatever it is they achieve. Playing an instrument, riding horses, Making an A, Thank goodness Halloween costumes are handy.

Well therapy and dinner and pool time and all that happens in a day here weather we want it or not.... is happening! A friend of mine dropped off a COACH purse she got a a gift and doesn't like the color scheme so she knew I would...OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE IT!