Friday, October 3, 2008

A box of 18 EGGS missing from the frig

As I prepare lunches I see a spot where the eggs go empty.. OH NO! A brand new box all 18 were in there... and not even the box is there....The kitchen was secure when I awoke and the lock was locked on the I flash back to dinner last night and the spot, the spot was bare!!! I didn't take notice..I can see the vision of the bare egg spot now. So we have at least a day of raw eggs out.

I pleaded with my little ones to give up he whereabouts of 18 raw eggs... In our house my immediate attention went to Tressa of course although she assured me the kitchen was locked last night... she had a pretty believable look that she was more into helping me find the eggs and not having known they were missing, she is not a big egg eater... Jordan is my big egg eater, often tries to cook them himself..He does not know you have to turn on the stove, that's a good thing right now. Jordan was aloof this morning and not giving up any egg location. Lucas just bobbed around laughing, he is not strong or tall enough to be the egg thief. Steven gives a quick low tone; "I don't know Mom." Now, I move on to Keirsten who is my late night gal and can get into just about any cooking spirit in the wee hours of the night. She decline taking the title egg thief. SO Kaitlyn who is not waking up and most likely never woke up in the middle of the night will be questioned upon the hour she arises...

So where is the 18 eggs from the Pringle frig??? I know in a few days I will know EXACTLY where these missing eggs are. I have gone threw all the places most would NEVER LOOK, have you ever had to pull food out of a torn hole in your child' box spring? Have your children ever bang the door nob on PURPOSE causing that round hole to place food wrappers down into it? Have you ever gone to get that stored roll of paper towels and found old chicken bones, empty lunch meat packages? All experiences I have had in the past few years. I searched box springs for eggs, thinking that would be one of the most devastating (smell) I am worried about in a wall... next costly area.. PLEASE, OH PLEASE, let me come across those hidden eggs before they spoil... Oh for those new readers.. no, not once did I think someone broke into our house and stole 18 eggs and left. They are here and soon we will all know where they are.