Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Not for Profit class this morrning makes me think....

I got the children off to school, an email to help the staff with all the new information and off to business class I run. I took a four part not for profit strategic planning course to help get things on track or offer a vision to go into a new direction for my "founded" 501C3 organization. Always sparks so much within me when I go to the classes. Today many real issues came to the forefront and make me re-think everything I am doing.

My vision is burning strong (today/lol)

I teach tomorrow night out at FGCU in the Families as Faculty program to the emerging ESE teachers. I am putting together a power point presentation which will help keep me on task. It has been awhile since I have been out there so back on track I need to be. I have down loaded some music related to disabilities and photos of my children to give the teachers a visual.

Well time is short as I ha banking to do , pay on the Holiday Party Ballroom and get ood sopping completed... not to mention 6 loads of laundry, dishes and strip and make beds from accidents.

I took the bed frames off the twin beds in Tressa's room because it was too tempting to hide food items. I changed the room around so that when I open the door I can scan the room completely visually with no hiding spots. I even went to the point of getting fitted sheets around the box springs and double stick tape because the inside of her box spring has so many empty food containers hidden in it. I NEED ALARMS.. I have notified the BRINKS company to seek information on the cost of alarming my home inside and out.

When Tressa walked into the room while I was near completing her room, her eyes went straight to the bed frames folded and ready to go to the garage... She wined a bit saying I want my bed back like before. I told her this is cool so easy to get off and on now... Not sure, but for the moment she is all good.

FINAL PAYMENT FOR WEEKEND BIRTHDAY CAMP IN THE MAIL!!!!!!! I got a call from the Director asking if I still wanted the spots held....HHHHEEEELLLLLOOOOO for sure I do. How many parents ask their children what kind of Birthday party they wish to have and they ask to go away to camp for a weekend!!!!! With all their siblings!!!!!

Tressa was sad when she couldn't go to camp during the summer because you have to be 7 years old to attend. We got weekend camp schedules in the mail; low and behold camp weekend starts on HER BIRTHDAY BEING 7 YEARS OLD!!! So I am all gets a weekend to her self for Tressa's Birthday and the kids get to have so much fun at their favorite camp.... WIN WIN WIN WIN...LOL

Actually on November 8th they are having a meeting near where the camp is to see if families are willing to host a child from December 15th to January 15th (HOLIDAYS) from another country. I am considering a three year old little boy with out any arms. He is from Latvia and is on the group to come over with no one securing his trip. It takes some fundraising which i my draw back because so much is going on with our already committed Holiday party fund drive but seems like such a worthy act for the holidays. I will know as I leave most everything in Gods hands so if he wishes us to host, offer our home and love for the month to have my children and circle of friends experience this, it will happen. the hope is that in our home out in the community another family falls in love with him and is willing to adopt him. We open the possibility for that to happen.

Buses will be here soon, need to run.