Saturday, October 25, 2008

Good morning, a coffee moment

I have some thoughts to share... Our country and these elections. I find the entire event sickening. One camp closes in on 700 MILLION dollars spent to have the country view him as a leader and 70 Million from the other. 770 million dollars......spent on travel, banners, posters, parties, TV, radio, games, well if I am missing something of quality please help me out here. Did they HELP in meaningful ways? Did they rebuild the section of LA that desperately awaits our government?? Brad Pitt didn't spend near 770 million and he has made REAL CHANGE, Did they build one needing or deserving family a home? Extreme makeover not only builds a home but produces a quality show for 1 million....can you imagine the image one would have if they built over 770 million homes in the past 2 years??? Media would have been FREE!!! I'd elect that person.. The money they didn't spend on the building they would be able to use to educate themselves on world peace BECAUSE THE PRESIDENTS ROLE IS TO PROTECT US... any way 770million dollar of action not lip service would make this a better place. Yet, we the people of the United States of America continue to play their games, their rules. Remember only WE can stop this cycle not any one person. US!

Society and the role we have chosen ourselves is our consequence... I have been crying out since 2002 we are in SEROUS TROUBLE. I remember the day.. you have heard it from me before..When our specialty Doctors left South Florida (many of them) because they could not get the funds or government to back them to stay they had to leave this area. Malpractice insurance was out of control, law suits over the top... yet we didn't fight to keep the people who could save our children's lives near by..Now I drive a full day up and back with hotel costs, gas extremely expensive etc.. I didn't do enough back then. At the same time ER, the television show was rated #1 so the fact we loose quality care in real life we will sit and watch PRETEND doctors save lives and this show went to the top ratings making well over a REAL DOCTORS salary, with no malpractice insurance or hospital entry fees. I knew that day our society was heading to pretend land...and look where we are..

I see a show on TV just yesterday about a girl turning 16 years old in a town North of here who had a birthday party which cost her parents 1.8 million dollars total with her new shiny red Jag as the parents gift to her. She had four designer made dresses for the event. My daughter was on the edge of the chair in awe of this girl...I had to de-clutter her brain and remind her about REAL LIFE. It is difficult for young minds to separate from that glamor to know they put their pants on one leg at a time and they are no better than us. I do not believe in the end it counts how big your 16th birthday party was in the scale of things. I believe we as humans need to step up to the plate and ask ourselves if we are doing our part, are we doing ENOUGH? Because we ultimately are the people who can turn our country back on track..

My voice to my friends who are your every day workers is STOP, stop buying all the glamour..If your child is in love with Brittney or Hanna Montana..Buy her a guitar/horn/piano, a vocal lesson, dance classes, horseback ridding lessons. Something to build your child's self esteem instead of them trying to gain esteem from a figure in the lime light. Polish your child's qualities. Your child is the investment you should be supporting not media driven children... just my opinion.