Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Nothing on todays calendar outside of the house

I have an IEP tomorrow which is for Steven and not too much other than I feel too wordy (I have the draft.) I am not sure why the IEP has to be loaded with all the things my children can not do and why they are compared to their peers. We have sunshine state standards here.. I have not had Steven on the track to take the Sunshine state standards yet. If I feel he can achieve a level of 3rd grade reading or 5th grade math then he can take that FCAT up to his 22nd Birthday and we can move him into a regular diploma. I feel that making our kids feel like they can not meet the grade, shaming them in a sense that they were born with DS is wrong. I bring this up all the time. What if we were known for what we didn't have going for us compared to our neighbor, friends, the other people who go to our church or when you walk into Publix you get a report on all the things you can not do to go over as you cash out. Come on folks this is not good for emotional health- YES EVEN FOR MY CHILDREN. I don't know why they can not just report present levels and goals.. If they think I don't know my children have Down syndrome, I do. I just don't focus on that. If all I did is look at what they can't do then my expectations of them wouldn't be very high. I expect them to act and do what all children their age do at the best they can do it. So we don't hit the bar academically many times, but Kaitlyn sure can clean a chair, counter or something I ask her to much more efficient than many 14 year olds. If there is a game or puzzle she will not quit. She stays focused at completing a task for me until it is done and done right. She NEVER forgets her pills, or when it is time for something. So lets shake off the negative and move to the positive outlook on what we all con do to better ourselves.

Me: I have some clutter spots which are my catch areas.. Places I need to eliminate in the house. I find myself saying I may use that one day. I know it has been sitting there since 1990 and that day hasn't happened, but it may. After my 30 minute treadmill jog, I will get right on that.."one part of it" today!

Time for coffee now... french blond and sweet.... then some emails out to teachers and Principles to get a report on how to deal with a couple other issues related to the kids and educations.... Kaitlyn's clarinet & Miss Tressa acting out at school again... this time (yesterday) soiling her clothes... PLEASE! What the heck is going on......