Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Coldest day on record here in 100 years...

It didn't seem so cold although we were prepared and wore warm clothing today. Actually opened windows at dinner time as it felt a bit warm.. Kaitlyn was at the Doctors and has psoriasis on her scalp so it takes Neutrogena T/gel shampoo soaking 5 mins and some ointment on her scalp that can not be within reach of the other children because it will remove layers of skin..... one more step to bedtime routine.. that might be a video we put on to this blog.. the medications dispensed...
Mandie brought over Tinker Bell Movie as Tressa has had a couple wonderful/Fabulous days at school. Miss Barbie came for Halloween baking and pumpkin painting..then Miss Vickie with speech and a Tink party so the night was full.