Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It was a very long and stressful day so I will not blog long. I did post a comment to the comment left on feeding issues.

The children are all perfect, all is well, I have had this flu and now Jordan. Kaitlyn seems fine so it leaves hope that tomorrow we will all feel better.

My heart aches for the back sliding Kaitlyn has done since middle school this year and that is tomorrows focus. I need to save all she learned from K-5 before it is all lost. I am shocked at the lost skills and her desire to learn not there. She seemed very stressed and wanted to color all coloring candy canes for our Christmas tree???? Her mind is in a happy place. She told me some one said she is crazy. "YOU ARE CRAZY" she didn't seem to be too upset, she turned it on to Keirsten as a raz and said; "NOT ME, KEIRSTEN IS CRAZY" and we all laughed and then talked about how it's fun when everyone is laughing (sense of humor) but to hurt someones feelings, is not OK. I went on to say I would prefer it just not be said. I find talking things out and leaving her with how it makes me feel, she will let it go.
Good night, tomorrow WIL BE a better day.