Monday, October 6, 2008

Sarah mentioned NOTHING about disabilities and next to nothing about education and I have never heard INCLUSION. The focus was the war and of course energy. In Florida we do have natural solar energy but the costs of getting it to work and pay for itself is way over most middle Americans budget. We will have to see how all this energy efficient American families is going to pan out.

Steven seems to be fine and anxious to get to school tomorrow. Everyone is sleeping and I am having some me time. We had a steak, potato and spinach dinner which wasn't Ayden's favorite. He shook his head no many many times and held out until his mom called for him to come home. LOL Keirsten is my steak/red meat child and the others get a bit upset because it takes more chewing than the typical kid food. I must say they are all getting better with chewing (low tone issues.) Steven actually ate all his meat with little coaching. Tressa made some comment about needing more potatoes to help swallow her RRRRiiight Tressa.. One must admit she is creative.

Miss Tressa is not doing well in school at all with behaviors right now. For whatever reason she is wetting herself daily and acting out during the first three hours of her day. I have not gotten a good handle on if she gets out of her work. I know at home for her to do a non preferred task it is VERY difficult. A one on one and complete follow up. One has to stay on her and assist through verbal praise. Like even to pick up a mess she made. She will say she has to go to the bathroom, has to get rest, needs to do her homework and anything else that might slide into her thoughts. Barbie comes tomorrow so I will go over her sheets. She is into renaming people and takes it to the umpth degree. Like she is Arthur and her ESE teacher is DW and if I am trying to talk to her about something that happened with her ESE co-teacher she will ignore me as if she doesn't understand who I am talking about and in time correct me to say "do you mean DW?" She is sassy and says Mom I am Author and you are talking about DW. She is 6..How far does this go before she is 16 and everyone is twisting for her??? I will never forget the day I realized her capability... We were in the Doctors office and she got about a dozen people to scoot over one seat and placed herself between a Mother and her child, handing the Mother a book to read to her. EVERYONE DID AS MISS TRESSA INSTRUCTED and the Mother read to my child while her sick child looked on... I sat across the room watching in total amazement. She must have been about 2 1/2 at that time. It has gotten worse. If I stop her the DRAMA goes into full force. She is the only child I have ever come across that can suck in a total stranger to do ANYTHING. I have seen her get more people than you an imagine to untie and tie her shoe anywhere even if the person is crazy busy. I know they say this is "normal" for characteristics to her disability but I am always fascinated at the depth people go for her. The ironic part is 80% of the people in her life never see the mischief side of her and can NEVER believe she can possibly be a behavior problem.

On the other hand, Jordan who was a struggle for years is so on track and I can not say enough about his maturity over the past 5 months. Really grew up over the summer. I am so grateful for the behavioral education I have gotten from the med waiver supports and all the in home help which has given us such insight on all the personalities under one roof. now to get the PWS into perspective and all the preventions in place. I am huge on prevention!!! Plan plan plan...because it will happen.