Friday, October 17, 2008

WOW time is flying by....

It was an experience the past few months making life changes to balance the budget. The van stays parked much more than ever before, I utilize my daughters car as she is here most days. (yes I put gas in it) She get WAY more miles to the gallon than my beast. Also

I am shocked at the amount of money food has gone up so fast, how can they justify this.. now that gas is going back down will the prices.. Many items I have bought for years have gone up 10 to 20 cents and item.. I buy a lot of items for the crew. It is beginning to scare me.

They are all in school today, I am praying for a quality day.

Those following Miss Tressa.... Oh Tressa..... Tressa Tressa Tressa
She got off the bus yesterday claiming she had a great day. She had the same clothes on she went to school, SCORE! Then the ole home work and behavior sheet she is fighting not to get out of her book bag. Lots of excuses, gotta go potty, need to clean my room, how bout I swim before I do my homework, many many creative requests. Then I hear the list read by Mandie... Mandie asks her why she said she had a great day....

Tressa's response..."I do not want moms consequence" I kid you not, Mandie was unaware of the talk I had with Tressa. I told her back in the day... When I was a little girl they had paddles.. and if we acted up in school we got a swat with a wooden paddle..... SHE REMEMBERED....

So she is explaining she doesn't want to get the paddle. I asked her why she took her shes and socks off and threw them across the classroom, "I did not want to do my math paper" She got one swat (not hard) but the drama was there....FOLLOW THRU! I knew I had to.

So today she is going to do all her papers so we can mail them to GRANDMA... the issue was the math paper not the shoes. The behavior was the throwing of the shoes. She is all excited to get all her work done to mail to Grandma. I will let you know how this all works for me...